Hello Intro to Beekeeping Alumni!
Thank you for joining me and SkillPop Anywhere for our online Intro to Beekeeping class - we hope it proved helpful as a first step in your beekeeping ventures! On this page, you’ll find a download to the class presentation, and some other helpful resources.
Download the class presentation HERE
View our Langstroth hive guide HERE
View our top bar hive guide HERE
View and print our client inspection note sheets HERE
Find your state and local beekeeping organizations through the American Beekeeping Federation HERE
For purchasing hives, tools, and gear, we recommend Mann Lake, Dadant, and Gold Star for online purchases
Ask local beekeepers for suggestions on local retailers, there are some great ones out there!
As you progress in your beekeeping ventures, you’ll need to think about managing your hives for pests like varroa mites and small hive beetles (depending on your location). Check out the Honey Bee Health Coalition’s Best Management Practices for help along the way
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions to rebekah@beeandbloom.com. I’m always happy to help!
Bee well,
Rebekah & SkillPop Anywhere
As you learned during class, many of our bees and pollinators are struggling for survival, but the good news is that there is so much we can do to help! The P’s for Pollinators make it easy:
Plant natives
Ornamentals are beautiful, but don’t produce much nectar or pollen. Native, flowering plants provide the most forage for honey and native bees alike. Stagger blooming times so there are flowers during spring, summer, and fall to ensure there is food for bees with different active periods.
Pitch pesticides out
Pesticides don’t discriminate, killing bees alongside pests. Systemics, like “neonics”, are particularly harmful. Ask garden store employees which plants and seeds have been treated before purchasing.
Provide bee habitats
Most bees are solitary, gentle, and low-maintenance. Provide nesting-sites for ground-nesting bees by leaving low-traffic areas of bare ground with ample sunlight, drainage, and loose soil. Support tunnel-nesting bees by hanging “bee houses”. There are numerous commercial options available, but they are easy to DIY!
Preach stewardship
Teach others about wild bees and how they, too, can support pollinators for a “fruit-full” future.